Amiga Workbench Emulator in chromeexperiments

A500jsAmiga Workbench Emulator It’s a full javascript (~3000 lines of code) remake of the classic Amiga’s operating system “Workbench 1.3”.
You can change resolution, color, font, wallpaper, move icons, open/resize windows, launch several little visuals effects.
Also the “CLI” (command manager) is working, you can access all the different command by typing “command” at the prompt.
Amiga Workbench Emulator is part of a set of Javascript applications created by google and published on the Chrome Experiments web site to promote its Chrome web browser and test its ability with Javascript code (according to the developer much faster than other browsers).
On the same site you can find more javascript application as fun as Amiga Workbench Emulator. These demos are of course playable also with the other (modern) browsers.
It is possible also to send your own demo; this will be published on the site with a discrete visibility benefit for the developer.
